Play with us
Join the Orchestra
If you love making music and enjoy the camaraderie of fellow musicians, the Waltham Philharmonic Orchestra is for you. We are a non-audition orchestra and currently have openings in the horn, bassoon, and all string sections. Please email for more information on joining.
We perform a great mix of beloved standard pieces and more challenging, creative programming. Our award-winning Music Director, Michael Korn, sets a standard in which our musicians push the envelope of their talents, yet have a very satisfying experience and sense of accomplishment after every concert. The WPO performs four concerts a year – three regular season concerts and one Pops.
Click here for detailed information on the upcoming season.

Join a Chamber Group

Offering a more flexible schedule and performance opportunities in diverse venues throughout the community, the WPO Chamber Groups provide musicians with the chance to develop their musicianship on a more intimate level. Please contact if you are interested in joining a chamber group.